

$WENIS - WenisCoin


Solana (SOL)

Contract Address (CA):




Status: Pending
Request ID: CL0405240113

Status: Pending
Request ID: CL0705240014

Status: Pending
Request ID: submitted

Pair on Raydium


Our Official Logo

When listing the $WENIS token, ensure to include pertinent details from our press kit for accurate representation. For updated versions or additional information, feel free to contact us at Contact@Wenis.Art.

KYC & Audits

Assure DeFi Verification

$WENIS – WenisCoin has been given a KCY tier 1 badge by Assure DeFi. Tier 1 is their highest tier and ensures “strong law enforcement with resources and capabilities to effectively legislate & pursue crypto-related cybercrime.” This includes treasury, contract and liquidity.


Proudly Verified By Assure DeFi™


Token Details

Token name: WenisCoin (WENIS) 
Blockchain: Solana (SOL) 
Current Supply: 1,000,000,000  
Locked Liquidity: $93K of FDV $282K (24/05/05)
Owner Program: Token Program 
Update Authority: TSLvdd…t1eokM 

SolScan Token Details: Link 

Fair Launch 

Fair launch: via
Fair like few others: no VC, no presale 
Launch date: 2022_05_04_2200-ish CET 


The team bought about 50% of the supply right off the bat – primarily to control the supply. Currently 8.5% has already been added back to the liquidity pools. We are not thrilled with the idea of paying people to shill our coin on twitter just for them to dump it on the good people who bought it. We reserve a large chunk of those tokens for a single large T1 CEX listing at some point in the future. 

Somewhere between 10-20% of the tokens will be held and owned by the team. 

We very much are anti-rug, anti-jeet, and pretty much anti-everything that’s scummy. So, although it probably doesn’t make you feel better, we have no intention of rugging anyone. Perhaps this can be the people’s coin. It really would be nice to tell the bankers to eat a wenis, and secure your financial freedom, wouldn’t it?

This is a meme coin. There will be no revenue. You should not expect the team to work for you to generate a return. There is no utility, there will be no partnerships. We’re all about shitposting and memes. Let’s not complicate it. Have some laughs frens, and be good to each other. 

Avoid Scams

Word of Caution

Currently, there are no active airdrops or other initiatives. If someone DMs you, it’s most likely a scam. We will never DM you first. Stay safe little wenis and most importantly, have fun. 


$WENIS Socials

Contact Email


Wenis Art Engine

Create Your Own Wenis

Enter our official wenis telegram and play with our wenis art engine. Simply put “/image wenis having breakfast” and create your own wenis images. It’s so much fun to see all sizes and colors of wenises come together and play. Try it now in the Telegram chat: 

/image a happy wenis


A lost wenis is a sad wenis.

$WENIS Whitepaper

Visit The Wenis Gallery

$WENIS Launch Celebration


Road to Wenis

The Wenisification has Begun

In a parallel realm devoid of human presence, exists a population of gentle, wrinkled humanoid beings, resembling sacks of flesh. Their existence unfolds in a tranquil mimicry of our own world, yet devoid of fervor or drive. Each day flows by in a soft haze, with inhabitants engaging in activities with a gentle touch, almost as if they merely drift through them, seeking only to pass the time.

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